SCA Full HD 1080P Dash Cam Instruction Manual

If you are looking for a dash cam to capture the moments in your car trip, the SCA Full HD 1080P Dash Cam will help you. This instruction manual will show you everything you need to know about it to get started recording your journey.

Sections in this Manual

  1. Product Overview
  2. Product Features
  3. Package Components
  4. Product Structure
  5. Charging the Dash Cam
  6. Installing the Dash Cam
  7. Instructions for video operation
  8. Instructions for Photo operation
  9. Video/Photo playback & protecting files
  10. Dash Cam menu
  11. Movie mode menu settings
  12. General settings
  13. Still, capture menu settings
  14. Connecting to a PC
  15. Maintenance
  16. Product Specifications
  17. Warranty
  18. FAQS

SCA Full HD 1080P Dash Cam Instruction Manual Image

Manufactured by SCA

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Product Overview

Thank you for purchasing the SCADVR18 FULL HD 1080P Dash Cam. This Dash Cam is specifically designed for real-time video and audio recording when driving. The Dash Cam simply mounts to the windscreen and records footage onto a Micro SD memory card. It has a G-sensor with adjustable sensitivity and loop recording functionality.

Product Features

ATTENTION: Please charge the unit for 4 hours before installing. The Dash Cam must be connected to power when in use, the battery is for emergency power only.

Package Components

Package components

Product Structure

Structure of the product diagram

  1. Power button
  2. Data port
  3. Reset button
  4. Mini USB connection
  5. Indicator light
  6. Screen
  7. OK Button
  8. Down button
  9. Up button
  10. Menu location
  11. Microphone
  12. Lens
  13. Speaker
  14. NA
  15. Screw
  16. Suction lock
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