Honduras 2020 OSAC Crime & Safety Report

2016 CITY LINKS- LA CEIBA SOMERVILLE EXCHANGE PARTNERSHIP REPORT A guide for adaptation to Climate Change in La Ceiba, Honduras OCTOBER 2016 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CityLinks is a program of the International Additionally, the city faces a series of City/County Management Association environmental problems that are not (ICMA) that helps build capacity of urban climate-related but that increase the systems in developing and transitioning vulnerability of the city to prevent and countries by drawing on the resources of respond to the impacts of such threats. The U.S. local governments. With funding from lack of land use planning, inadequate waste USAID, CityLinks established a program of management, poverty and increase exchange among the cities of La Ceiba, pressure on natural resources are growing Teams from La Ceiba´s and Somerville during a Honduras and Somerville. In this concerns that need to be addressed by the meeting as part of the the initial exchange trip in La partnership UCCRN served as the key city. Ceiba. science knowledge provider for CityLinks. Alternatives for adaptation to climate The city of La Ceiba is a complex scenario to change have been identified and discussed face both, the challenges associated with a with the participation of stakeholders and growing urban population and its city officials and include the construction of geographic location that makes it highly infrastructure to prevent further damage, vulnerable to the impacts of climate particularly in the coastal area, the variability and change. The city is highly development and implementation of a land vulnerable and permanently faces risks that use plan for the city, the establishment of can lead to the loss of human lives, the ordinances to regulate activities that damage of infrastructure and to lower the exacerbate issues, and awareness-raising quality of life of the population.


UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE EXECUTIVE OFFICE FOR IMMIGRATION REVIEW UNITED STATES IMMIGRATION COURT 26 FEDERAL PLAZA NEW YORK, NEW YORK File No.: A087-541-849 In the Matter of: LOPEZ-GOMEZ, Omar IN REMOVAL PROCEEDINGS The Respondent CHARGE: INA § 212(a)(6)(A)(i) Present Without Being Admitted or Paroled APPLICATIONS: INA § 208 Asylum INA § 241(b)(3) Withholding of Removal .8 C.F.R. § 1208.16 .. Convention Against Torture .. ON BEHALF OF RESPONDENT ON BEHALF OF DHS Heather Yvonne Axford, Esq. Central American Legal Assistance Assistant Chief Counsel 240 Hooper Street 26 Federal Plaza, Suite 1130 Brooklyn, NY 11211 New York, NY 10278 DECISION AND ORDER OF THE IMMIGRATION JUDGE I. PROCEDURAL mSTORY ••••("the Respondent") is a twenty year-old male native and citizen ofGuatemala. [Exhs. 1; 2;1, Tabs A-B; 10.) The Respondent entered the United States ("U.S.") on or about August 17,2009, at the U.S.-Mexico border, when he was seventeen years old. [Exhs. 1; 2; 7, Tab A.] He was not inspected, admitted, or paroled at that time. [Exhs. 1; 2; 7.] On August 18, 2009, a Border Patrol agent apprehended the Respondent near Nogales, Arizona. [Exh. 2.] As the Respondent was an unaccompanied alien minor, he was transferred to the custody ofthe Department of Health and Human Services, Office ofRefugee Resettlement ("ORR") in El Cajon, California. [Exh. 2; 6.] On August 20, 2009, the Department of Homeland Security ("DHS") personally served the Respondent with a Form 1-862, Notice to Appear ("NTA"), charging him as removable pursuant to section 212(a)(6)(A)(i) ofthe 1 Immigration and Nationality Act ("INA"), as an alien present without being admitted or paroled.

Redalyc.Socio-Spatial Violence Prevention: Inhibiting Violence In

urbe. Revista Brasileira de Gestão Urbana ISSN: 2175-3369 [email protected] Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná Brasil Kasang, Nicholas Socio-spatial violence prevention: Inhibiting violence in Caracas, Venezuela through spatial planning urbe. Revista Brasileira de Gestão Urbana, vol. 6, núm. 2, mayo-agosto, 2014, pp. 201-217 Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná Paraná, Brasil Disponible en: http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=193130689007 Cómo citar el artículo Número completo Sistema de Información Científica Más información del artículo Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal Página de la revista en redalyc.org Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto Socio-spatial violence prevention: Inhibiting violence in Caracas, Venezuela through spatial planning Prevenção socioespacial da violência: Inibindo a violência em Caracas através do planejamento espacial Nicholas Kasang Licenciado sob uma Licença Creative Commons DOI: 10.7213/urbe.06.002.SE05 ISSN 2175-3369 MSc in Urban and Regional Planning at University of Applied Sciences Frankfurt am Main (FH FFM), researcher at Global Urban Studies Institute (GLOBUS), Berlin, BE - Germany, e-mail: [email protected] Abstract Contemporary urban growth in many cities in Latin American and Africa has been accompanied by unprece- dented levels of urban violence. Latin America epitomizes this trend as three of the world’s most dangerous cities, Ciudad Juárez, San Pedro Sula, and Caracas, are located within this region (JÁCOME; GRATIUS, 2011, p. 2). Of these three, Caracas is notable because its exorbitant homicide rate cannot be explicitly attributed to the illicit drug trade-cartel wars that consume Mexico, nor is it represented by the civil conlict-gang violence that aflicts Central America.

Lifetime Likelihood of Victimization

U. S. Department of Justice I Bureau of Justice Statistics I Lifetime Likelihood of Victimization by Herbert Koppel people's perception of the meaning of BJS Analyst March 1987 annual rates with respect to their own The Bureau of Justice Statistics lives. If the Earth revolved around the This report provides estimates of the National Crime Survey provides sun in 180 days, all of our annual crime likelihood that a person will become a annual victimization rates based rates would be halved, but we would not victim of crime during his or her life- on counts of the number of crimes be safer. time, or that a household will be vic- reported and not reported to timized during a 20-year period. This police in the United States. These Calculating lifetime victimization rates contrasts with the conventional use of a rates are based on interviews 1-year period in measuring crime and twice a year with about 101,000 For this report, lifetime likelihoods criminal victimization. Most promi- persons in approximately 49,000 of victimization were calculated from nently, the National Crime Survey nationally representative NCS annual victimization rates and life (NCS) surveys a sample of U.S. house- households. Those annual rates, tables published by the National Center holds and publishes annual victimization while of obvious utility to for Health statistics.% The probability rates, and the FBI's Uniform Crime policymakers, researchers, and that a person will be victimized at a Reports (UCR) provide annual rates of statisticians, do not convey to particular age basically depends upon crimes reported to the police.

Instructions for Police Certificate

INSTRUCTIONS FOR POLICE CERTIFICATE All Honduran, the “Constacia de Antecedentes Policiales” document should be provided by “Dirección Policial de Investigaciones, D.P.I.” in Tegucigalpa only, and not from the Juzgado or any other city. If applicable provide the police certificate for: The country of nationality, The country of the applicant’s residence at the time of visa interview, and Any other country in which the applicant has resided for one year or more. Police certificates are not required for children under 16. If the beneficiary is between 16 and 17 years old, the presence of the parent will be required, with an identification card, an original and copy, the beneficiary’s birth certificate proving that the parent is indeed the biological parent. Dirección Policial de Investigaciones (D.P.I.) Building “UNPH” Sector Sur, Anillo Periférico, antes de la entrada a la Col. Cañada Frente a las bodegas de Walmart y frente a UTH Tegucigalpa, D.C. Teléfonos 2246-5789; 2246-5797 Office hours: Monday thru Friday 8:00 to 12:00 and 1:00 to 4:00 pm. Please note: that police certificates only have a validity of six months and it is only accepted from Comayaguela, and not from other Honduras cities. The beneficiary will have to bring a new police certificate to the interview, even if one has already been submitted to the National Visa Center. CONSTANCIA DE ANTECEDENTES POLICIALES Si es hondureña (o), la Constancia de antecedentes policiales debe de ser de la Dirección Policial de Investigaciones (DPI) en Tegucigalpa solamente, y no del Juzgado o de cualquier otra ciudad.

LIFE and WORK in the BANANA FINCAS of the NORTH COAST of HONDURAS, 1944-1957 a Dissertation

CAMPEÑAS, CAMPEÑOS Y COMPAÑEROS: LIFE AND WORK IN THE BANANA FINCAS OF THE NORTH COAST OF HONDURAS, 1944-1957 A Dissertation Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Cornell University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy by Suyapa Gricelda Portillo Villeda January 2011 © 2011 Suyapa Gricelda Portillo Villeda CAMPEÑAS Y CAMPEÑOS: LIFE AND WORK IN THE BANANA FINCAS OF THE NORTH COAST OF HONDURAS, 1944-1957 Suyapa Gricelda Portillo Villeda, Ph.D. Cornell University 2011 On May 1st, 1954 banana workers on the North Coast of Honduras brought the regional economy to a standstill in the biggest labor strike ever to influence Honduras, which invigorated the labor movement and reverberated throughout the country. This dissertation examines the experiences of campeños and campeñas, men and women who lived and worked in the banana fincas (plantations) of the Tela Railroad Company, a subsidiary of the United Fruit Company, and the Standard Fruit Company in the period leading up to the strike of 1954. It describes the lives, work, and relationships of agricultural workers in the North Coast during the period, traces the development of the labor movement, and explores the formation of a banana worker identity and culture that influenced labor and politics at the national level. This study focuses on the years 1944-1957, a period of political reform, growing dissent against the Tiburcio Carías Andino dictatorship, and worker agency and resistance against companies' control over workers and the North Coast banana regions dominated by U.S. companies. Actions and organizing among many unheralded banana finca workers consolidated the powerful general strike and brought about national outcomes in its aftermath, including the state's institution of the labor code and Ministry of Labor.

Youth Crime Drop Youth DECEMBER 2000 URBAN INSTITUTE Justice Policy Center

R E P O R T December 2000 URBAN INSTITUTE Justice Policy Center Jeffrey A. Butts research for safer communities Youth Crime Drop DECEMBER 2000 URBAN INSTITUTE Justice Policy Center Youth Crime Drop Summary Researchers debate why violent crime in the United States suddenly dropped in the 1990s, but one fact all researchers endorse is that the overall decline in violent crime probably had much to do with falling rates of youth crime. This brief report from the Justice Policy Center examines the recent crime drop and asks how much of the decrease seen between 1995 and 1999 can be attributed to juveniles (under age 18) and older youth (ages 18 to 24). Using the most recent data from the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports, the analysis demonstrates that not only did America’s violent crime drop continue through 1999, falling youth crime accounted for most of the overall decline. The Author Jeffrey A. Butts (Ph.D., University of Michigan) is a senior research associate with the Urban Institute’s Justice Policy Center, where he is involved in research and evaluation projects on Published by policies and programs for youthful offenders, including federally funded evaluations of teen Justice Policy Center courts and juvenile drug courts. Prior to joining the Urban Institute in 1997, he was a senior URBAN INSTITUTE research associate at the National Center for Juvenile Justice. 2100 M Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20037 The Urban Institute Copyright Ó 2000 The Urban Institute is a nonprofit policy research organization established in Washington, D.C., in 1968. The Institute's goals are to sharpen thinking about society's problems and efforts to solve them, improve government decisions and their implementation, and increase citizens' Any opinions expressed are awareness about important public choices.

Out of the Past, a New Honduran Culture of Resistance

NACLA REPORT ON THE AMERICAS update Out of the Past, a New Honduran Culture of Resistance On February 27, activists from the Honduran resistance unveiled a plaque reasserting the original name of a street in San Pedro Sula that had been renamed for coup leader Roberto Micheletti. A quote from Marx reminds us to remember history as we struggle in the present to make a new future. By Dana Frank Dana Frank OUR DAYS AFTER ROBERTO MICHELETTI TOOK unveiled a new, entirely official-looking metal teaches history at over Honduras in the June 28, 2009, mili- plaque. Mounted in concrete in a big monument the University of tary coup, he appointed his own nephew on the boulevard, the plaque acknowledges Agui- California, Santa F mayor of the country’s second-largest city, San luz’s labor as a teacher and inscribes a quote from Cruz, and is the Pedro Sula. His nephew in turn dedicated one of “Carlos Marx” reminding us to remember history author, among other books, of Bananeras: the city’s major boulevards to Micheletti as a little as we struggle in the present to make a new fu- Women Transform- gift. Since the 1970s the road had been popularly ture. At the bottom, just as on a proper plaque, ing the Banana named after Rodolfo Aguiluz Berlioz, a university curves the name of deposed president Manuel Unions of Latin professor who identified with progressive causes. Zelaya; below it, “Presidente Constitutional de America (South End OSELSOBERANO.COM In mid-February, the plaque naming Bulevar Honduras, 2006–2010,” as if he’d never been V Press, 2005).

CARNIVAL and OTHER SEASONAL FESTIVALS in the West Indies, USA and Britain

CORE Metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk Provided by SAS-SPACE CARNIVAL AND OTHER SEASONAL FESTIVALS in the West Indies, U.S.A. and Britain: a selected bibliographical index by John Cowley First published as: Bibliographies in Ethnic Relations No. 10, Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations, September 1991, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL John Cowley has published many articles on blues and black music. He produced the Flyright- Matchbox series of LPs and is a contributor to the Blackwell Guide To Blues Records, and Black Music In Britain (both edited by Paul Oliver). He has produced two LPs of black music recorded in Britain in the 1950s, issued by New Cross Records. More recently, with Dick Spottswood, he has compiled and produced two LPs devoted to early recordings of Trinidad Carnival music, issued by Matchbox Records. His ‗West Indian Gramophone Records in Britain: 1927-1950‘ was published by the Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations. ‗Music and Migration,‘ his doctorate thesis at the University of Warwick, explores aspects of black music in the English-speaking Caribbean before the Independence of Jamaica and Trinidad. (This selected bibliographical index was compiled originally as an Appendix to the thesis.) Contents Introduction 4 Acknowledgements 7 How to use this index 8 Bibliographical index 9 Bibliography 24 Introduction The study of the place of festivals in the black diaspora to the New World has received increased attention in recent years. Investigations range from comparative studies to discussions of one particular festival at one particular location. It is generally assumed that there are links between some, if not all, of these events.

Overcoming Violence and Impunity: Human Rights Challenges in Honduras

OVERCOMING VIOLENCE AND IMPUNITY: HUMAN RIGHTS CHALLENGES IN HONDURAS Report of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development Dean Allison Chair Subcommittee on International Human Rights Scott Reid Chair MARCH 2015 41st PARLIAMENT, SECOND SESSION Published under the authority of the Speaker of the House of Commons SPEAKER’S PERMISSION Reproduction of the proceedings of the House of Commons and its Committees, in whole or in part and in any medium, is hereby permitted provided that the reproduction is accurate and is not presented as official. This permission does not extend to reproduction, distribution or use for commercial purpose of financial gain. Reproduction or use outside this permission or without authorization may be treated as copyright infringement in accordance with the Copyright Act. Authorization may be obtained on written application to the Office of the Speaker of the House of Commons. Reproduction in accordance with this permission does not constitute publication under the authority of the House of Commons. The absolute privilege that applies to the proceedings of the House of Commons does not extend to these permitted reproductions. Where a reproduction includes briefs to a Standing Committee of the House of Commons, authorization for reproduction may be required from the authors in accordance with the Copyright Act. Nothing in this permission abrogates or derogates from the privileges, powers, immunities and rights of the House of Commons and its Committees. For greater certainty, this permission does not affect the prohibition against impeaching or questioning the proceedings of the House of Commons in courts or otherwise. The House of Commons retains the right and privilege to find users in contempt of Parliament if a reproduction or use is not in accordance with this permission.

Political Culture of Democracy in Honduras and in the Americas, 2014

The Political Culture of Democracy in Honduras and in the Americas, 2014: Democratic Governance across 10 Years of the AmericasBarometer By: Orlando J. Pérez, Ph.D. Millersville University Elizabeth J. Zechmeister, Ph.D. LAPOP Director and Series Editor Vanderbilt University This study was performed with support from the Program in Democracy and Governance of the United States Agency for International Development. The opinions expressed in this study are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the point of view of the United States Agency for International Development. January 2015 Table of Contents Table of Contents List of Figures . vii List of Maps . xi List of Tables . xi Preface . xiii Prologue: Background to the Study . xv Acknowledgements . xxv Introduction