Comparison of The Articles of Confederation and The Constitution



The difference between the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution is that the Articles of Confederation lasted from 1776-1789. They were also replaced with a more informed government that gave them power for the federal government. They were poor in debt because Congress couldn’t be able to pay state taxes. Also, they didn’t have a federal court, no rate to trade, no executive potential, and the states must provide an army in which congers couldn’t. The reason why in the Articles of Confederation, that they were poor because the federal government was what you call a week to had strict laws in which it made Congress wanted to have a Revolutionary War so they could be able to repay their debt that they couldn’t pay off. “Since it had no specific power to tax, all those proposals were rejected”. It also led to the point why they couldn’t pay it all off because Articles of Confederation offered no federal courts and it all depended on the states to be able to do their own part of the job to make the decisions, not us. It was difficult back then because the rights that we could not amend; it made it hard for the Articles of Confederation to “provide power to tax, and too untested national government”. So basically, to sum it up they had no power to do whatever and the states made their own decisions.

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On the other hand, the Constitution had almost all the rights that could get because they were able to do what they wanted in which it made their whole lives become better for the whole community. They were able to provide a court system, have the right to impose the taxes, able to raise an army, and they only needed fifty percent, one house, and the president signature of the votes to pass laws then the Articles of Confederation that needed almost sixty nine percent of the legislation approval to be able to pass the laws in which it was more difficult. There is three constitution that divides up into the three branches are the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches, and the “separation of powers is simply a way of parceling out power among the three branches of government”.

The check and balance are important because it helps companies grow and make sure they everything is right from their business from start to finish. The Legislative branch and the executive branch are that the Legislative branch can forward the laws and be able to make the lays and change them. On the other hand, the executive can “refuse to confirm nominees or approve treaties; override the presidents by a two-thirds vote”. It said in the book that the executive has the right to remove the laws form the United States. It helps the president to not do anything wrong because the president can do wrong things to and that’s ok. In the judicial vs the executive, the Judicial chief can declare justice over impeachment trials, while the Executive can appoint federal judges to not impeach decision. Executive the ones to back it up and say they don’t want to trial and let the trial not carry on of whatever happened in their (person) situation. Also, in the legislative branch, they can declare war because in Article 1, Congress as the right to only declare if the U.S.A has a war in their hands. Also, in the legislative branch, they are not allowed in the house to break off for more than three days if one of the other houses allows it.

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So, the Articles of Confederation has a hard time to do whatever that they wanted and the Constitution had more right laws in hand, but it wasn’t an always an agreement that laws would pass by hand just like that quick. It meant it needed to be passed by many people and once it passed then signed, then it would be official. It was hard and both places were not as easy as it seems as it is, but they tried and got through it.