How To Download Google Docs With Comments As PDF

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Welcome to this step-by-step guide on how to download Google Docs with comments as PDF. Google Docs is a powerful and widely-used platform for creating and collaborating on documents. One of its great features is the ability to add comments, enabling seamless communication and feedback among collaborators. However, when it comes to downloading the document, the comments may not be included by default.

This guide will walk you through the process of downloading your Google Docs file as a PDF while ensuring that the comments are preserved. By following these simple steps, you’ll be able to conveniently access your document, complete with all the valuable comments provided by you and your collaborators.

Whether you’re a student working on a group project, a professional collaborating with remote team members, or simply someone who values feedback in your documents, this guide will help you make the most of Google Docs’ comment feature.

Now, let’s dive into the step-by-step process of downloading Google Docs with comments as PDF documents.

Step 1: Open the Google Docs file

The first step in downloading Google Docs with comments as PDF is to open the document that you want to save. Launch your web browser and go to Sign in to your Google account if you haven’t already.

Once you’re signed in, you’ll be taken to the Google Docs homepage. Here, you’ll find a list of all your existing documents and the option to create a new one. Locate the document that you want to download with comments and click on its title to open it.

Alternatively, if you have the Google Docs app installed on your devices, you can open the app and access your document there as well. Simply launch the app and sign in to your Google account if needed. Then, find and select the document you wish to download.

Now that you have successfully opened the Google Docs file, you are ready to proceed to the next step and initiate the download process. Keep reading to learn how to do it!

Step 2: Click on “File” in the top menu

After opening the Google Docs file, the next step is to click on the “File” option located in the top menu. The top menu is typically positioned at the top of the screen and contains various options for managing and customizing your document.

Upon clicking on “File,” a dropdown menu will appear, presenting you with a range of different options. These options allow you to perform various actions related to your document, such as saving, sharing, printing, and more.

By selecting the “File” option, you’ll gain access to the necessary settings and configurations needed for the download process. This will enable you to proceed with saving your Google Docs file as a PDF while ensuring that the comments are included in the final document.

Clicking on “File” is a crucial step in the download process, as it serves as the gateway to the essential features that will enable you to customize the download settings according to your preferences. In the next step, you’ll learn how to select the appropriate download option to save your document as a PDF.

Step 3: Select “Download” from the dropdown menu

Once you have clicked on the “File” option in the top menu, a dropdown menu will appear with various options. From this menu, you will need to select the “Download” option to initiate the download process for your Google Docs document.

The “Download” option is typically located towards the bottom of the dropdown menu. It is represented by an icon or label that indicates downloading or saving the document. Clicking on this option will open a submenu with additional choices for the file format in which you want to download your document.

Upon selecting “Download,” you’ll be presented with different file format options to choose from, such as PDF, Microsoft Word, plain text, and more. For the purpose of this guide, we are focusing on downloading the document as a PDF file while preserving the comments. Therefore, proceed to the next step to learn how to select the PDF document format.

Choosing the “Download” option from the dropdown menu is a crucial step in the process, as it allows you to specify your preferred file format and customize the download settings accordingly. So, let’s move on to the next step to ensure the comments are included in the downloaded PDF.

Step 4: Choose “PDF Document” option

After selecting the “Download” option from the dropdown menu, a submenu will appear with various file format options. In order to download your Google Docs document as a PDF while preserving the comments, you need to choose the “PDF Document” option.

The “PDF Document” option is usually labeled as such or represented by an icon that signifies PDF format. This option ensures that your document is saved in the popular and widely supported PDF file format, which maintains the formatting and layout of the document across different devices and platforms.

By choosing the “PDF Document” option, you are instructing Google Docs to convert your document into PDF format before downloading it. This conversion process will include all the comments added to the document, ensuring that they are included in the final PDF file.

Selecting the “PDF Document” option is a crucial step in the download process, as it determines the output format of your Google Docs file. Now that you have chosen the PDF format, you are one step closer to downloading your document with the comments intact. In the next step, you’ll learn how to enable the “Export comments” checkbox to ensure the comments are included in the PDF.

Step 5: Enable the “Export comments” checkbox

Once you have chosen the “PDF Document” option, a settings window or dialog box will appear. This window allows you to specify additional options and configurations for the PDF download. One crucial option to enable is the “Export comments” checkbox.

The “Export comments” checkbox is typically located within the settings window and is labeled as such. By enabling this checkbox, you ensure that all the comments added to the Google Docs file will be included in the downloaded PDF document.

Enabling the “Export comments” checkbox is essential if you want to preserve the valuable feedback and collaboration that is represented by the comments in your document. It ensures that the comments are not only visible when viewing the Google Docs file online but also when accessing the file in the downloaded PDF format. This is especially useful when sharing the document with others who may not have access to the online version.

Take a moment to locate and enable the “Export comments” checkbox within the settings window. Once this option is checked, you can proceed to the final step where you’ll initiate the actual download of your Google Docs document as a PDF with all the comments included.

Step 6: Click on “Download”

After enabling the “Export comments” checkbox, you are now ready to proceed with the final step: downloading your Google Docs document as a PDF with all the comments included.

To initiate the download, locate the “Download” button or link within the settings window. This button is typically labeled as “Download” and is prominently displayed to ensure easy access.

Clicking on the “Download” button will start the process of converting your Google Docs document into a PDF file and downloading it to your device. The time it takes for the download to complete depends on the size of your document and the speed of your internet connection.

Once the download is complete, you can find the PDF file in your device’s designated download folder or in the location you specified during the download process.

Now, congratulations! You have successfully downloaded your Google Docs document as a PDF with all the comments included. You can now access and share the document with others, knowing that the valuable feedback and collaboration provided through the comments will be preserved.

Remember to keep the downloaded PDF file in a safe place and make backup copies if necessary. This way, you can refer to it or share it with others at any time. And don’t forget to go back to the Google Docs online version if you wish to continue collaborating and adding more comments to the document.

By following these six steps, you can easily download your Google Docs document as a PDF with all the comments intact. Enjoy the convenience and flexibility of accessing your document offline while still benefiting from the valuable input and discussions provided through comments!


Downloading Google Docs with comments as PDF documents can be incredibly useful, especially when you want to preserve and share feedback and collaboration with others. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your comments are included in the final PDF file.

Throughout this step-by-step guide, we have covered the process from opening the Google Docs file to enabling the “Export comments” checkbox and downloading the document as a PDF. Each step is crucial in ensuring that you have a complete and comprehensive PDF file that includes all the valuable comments provided by you and your collaborators.

Remember, Google Docs offers a collaborative environment where comments play a significant role in fostering communication and enhancing document quality. By downloading the document with comments as a PDF, you can conveniently access and share it offline, ensuring that the comments are visible to others who may not have access to the online version.

Whether you’re a student working on a group project, a professional collaborating with remote team members, or simply someone who values feedback in your documents, this guide has provided you with the necessary steps to download Google Docs with comments as PDF documents.

So, go ahead and give it a try! Start by opening your Google Docs file, follow the steps mentioned in this guide, and experience the convenience of accessing your document offline with all the comments intact.

Now that you have learned how to download Google Docs with comments as PDF, you can confidently share your documents and collaborate with others, knowing that the valuable feedback and discussions provided through comments will be preserved.

Enjoy downloading your Google Docs with comments as PDF and happy collaborating!